Marijuana Legalization, Changing America

More states in the United States are reviewing options in regards to legalizing marijuana. With a few states allowing marijuana to be used for medical purposes, it puts pressure on other states to follow suit. People have faced this issue on the voting ballet for several years. In the beginning, most people were against the idea and thought we would never have marijuana legalization happen. Now, since people are giving the drug another look, some say the aspect of legalizing it may not be so bad after all. But, how would this change the way people view America?

Marijuana is known as the drug of choice for certain types of people including drug dealers and people who wanted to get high quick. It was seen as one of the drugs you should stay away from, especially if you are under the legal age. Nowadays there are people selling large amounts of it and getting in trouble for it. But in other countries they use the drug for medical purposes on a regular basis. The United States is getting in the action but some feel the US is behind. In other words, the country should just legalize it as long as people are not doing self-harm or harm to others.

More states are legalizing marijuana but many question how this will affect America. Many people who have been in trouble for using the drug may wonder about their past and how this could change their conviction. Legalizing marijuana may not be such a smart idea when it is known that thousands and probably millions of people use it regularly to get high. This could be the reason why so many states have yet to rule on whether they will make its use legal.

Medical use of marijuana is getting more attention. There are researchers that have tested its use for different medical issues such as multiple sclerosis. Because promising results have been shown it gives people an excuse to push for legalization. But this element may not be enough to convince lawmakers. There is still a large following of teens under legal age that use it for personal enjoyment. This is a problem because some turn to stronger drugs next such as meth and cocaine. American’s have conflicting views on this matter that will continue to voice their opinions on what they think is right. Some are hoping this option doesn’t get too out of hand.

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